Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dahlia Flowers in Pots

Recently customer Jessie sent along this question to us at about growing dahlias in pots:

"I frequent Skillins very often in Falmouth Foreside; I deal often with Mary and am due to have another visit soon!!!!! I wonder if you would be so kind as to let me know some tips on how to plant Dahlias in containers. I have purchased many agapanthus plants from Mary and keep them in my greenhouse all winter, then bring them outdoors on my decks. I want to add some beautiful dahlias this summer and rather than purchase them, I thought I would try my hand at trying to grow these on my own.

Your guidelines for doing the above will be greatly appreciated."

(This is a dahlia, courtesy of Sheliah of Raymond)

Here is our answer:

"Dahlias are not difficult to grow in pots. We still have a good array to choose from.

I usually recommend starting them in peat pots or the new “Cow Pots” with Bar Harbor Blend potting soil from Coast of Maine Organics. Place them in a sunny window. You can start them anytime.

In a few weeks, you will notice some nice growth coming from the pots. Keep the soil well watered but do let go dry to the touch. I would also feed with Neptune’s Harvest Fish and Seaweed liquid food every couple of weeks.

When the plants get top heavy they can be transplanted into the “ultimate” pot and everything can be placed outdoors in late May when the weather is warmer. Or the peat pots and dahlias can get planted into the ground as well.

By starting them early you should get a great summer and fall of dahlia blooming and dahlias are among the most gorgeous flowers going.

I would use Bar Harbor Blend potting soil in the big pots with a handful of all natural Plant Tone by Espoma or Plant Booster Plus by Organica. Also feed every couple of weeks with the Fish and Seaweed liquid food. Great stuff and totally organic!

Enjoy those dahlias and let us know if you have any more gardening questions! The dahlias can be kept over the winter in the bulb form. We can tell you how later if you would like!"

We love questions from customers! Just drop us a note at!

Mike Skillin
Skillin's Greenhouses
April 18, 2010

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