Monday, April 7, 2008

Anticipation by KCB

KCB is a professional gardener and friend who does wonderful work in the Greater Portland area. KCB is also an accredited Master Gardener by the Cooperative Extension Service and we are honored to have KCB as part of our Skillin's Garden Log family

Not since 2 months into my 3rd year of life have I anticipated the ‘snow being all gone’. It was the year my younger and forever ‘the baby’ sister was born. Of course I will not say what year that was. You guys are smart and could do the math.

As I watched my mother’s stomach grow I kept asking ‘when’ regarding my new baby. Her pat answer was ‘when all the snow is gone’. I clearly remember (yes I can—but just don’t ask me what I did this morning) a rainy March day when it appeared as if all the snow was being washed away. The sky was steal gray and offered a slow steady drip.

Left over snow is less than pretty and often reminds me of white cotton candy that had been burned on the ends. I recall the snow being such an unattractive mess that day.

With each passing hour the snow faded. Late in the afternoon when only a dingy mist still prevailed I ran outside and checked every nook and cranny of our yard. In the ‘way back’ next to my play house remained piles of snow. This being the shadiest area I would have saved myself a lot of looking if I had only been smart enough to check there first.

I couldn’t get back in the house fast enough to report my findings. My mother was drinking coffee (instant) and had prepared me a cup of tea (I’m 100% Irish-and I was much too young for Guinness). ‘There is still snow!’ My shout clearly revealed my disappointed happiness. My mothers words still echo, “I guess it’s not time yet”. She seemed tired but managed a smile as she helped me into the chair that was thisclose to hers. My tea, mostly milk, and slightly elevated from room temperature, still warmed.

Earlier this week that particular day ran through my mind. Reminiscent of that (not too distant) memory, I was eagerly awaiting the snow in my back yard to disappear. You see, I was looking for a ‘baby’ of another sort. Under the piles of snow a cuddly white teddy bear was hibernating, said bear being a favorite of my own ‘baby’ a sweet Golden Retriever.

During one of the many snowy nights of this winter, it was dropped during our last outing. The next morning a thick layer of water laden white stuff rendered the bear invisible. Over these past couple of weeks I had monitored the reemergence of the bear. With each reveal I would try to retrieve the mass of synthetic fur. Unfortunately it would not budge. The little guy was frozen steadfastly to the poor excuse of a lawn that was now the back yard. When the bear no longer bore the camouflage of snow, my Golden tried to free her toy. She had no more luck than I did. Secretly I was glad. Then it happened. I was able to release the bear from its frozen prison.

For Kayla, the name of my girl, this was a good thing. For me, not so much. I had somehow justified that as long as the bear was frozen, the ground was frozen. For a gardener this means that the ground can not ‘be worked’. Yes I am more than anxious to get out there and dig in the dirt, but I am not fully prepared to start. I vowed to complete some winter projects, become more organized, fall or now, ‘spring clean’, work-out to get my body in shape. So many ‘to dos’.

Being a gardener in Maine means the season starts usually starts with a bang. An explosion of sun, warmth, and green growth. Last April we suffered through the ‘Patriot’s Day Storm’, only to have the following Monday be 85 degrees. My season started that day and didn’t end until November.

Kind of like my baby sister, wanting her yet not being at all prepared……

for Skillin's Greenhouses
April 7, 2008

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