Thursday, March 26, 2009


Sheliah checks in again from high atop of Raymond Maine. I have said it before and I will say it again; if you can grow a green garden there then you can grow one anywhere!
Look at her gorgeous dahlias!
Here is what Sheliah has to say:
"Garden Hint: Did you dig up your Dahlia's last fall? Start them in a window in April and give them a nice head start. You will be rewarded with a very long bloom time. I stated doing this after too many years of watching my Dahlia's loaded with buds turn black by the frost in early Spring. Let them get a great head start this April and most of May indoors and then place some beautiful plants outdoors and ENJOY some awesome color for the summer and fall! Mike wants me to tell you that dahlias and other summer flowering bulbs are on sale (20% off) this weekend as part of our Open House celebration!"
Sheliah for Skillin's Greenhouses
High atop Raymond ME
March 26, 2009


Okie Transplant said...

Hi Sheliah, I would like to utilize your wonderful hint, but would like some suggestions on how to get started. What do you use for a pot to start Dahlias indoors, how many tubers to a pot and does it matter what kind of Dahlias? I am interested in the Dinner Plate Dahlias and would like to start some of those this year. Thanks, Okie Transplant

Mike Skillin, Skillin's Greenhouses said...

Hey Okie,

Mike Skillin here. I don't know what Sheliah uses but I have had great success with 4" peat pots. I would recommend a great organic potting soil like Coast of Maine's Bar Harbor Blend. Usually one tuber per pot and start them soon!Plan on placing them outdoors in either the ground or in a large container around the end of May and then look out--great flowers well into the fall.

Feed frequently with a nice natural fertilizer like Neptune's Harvest Fish and Seaweed fertilizer OR use the Plant Tablets by Organica; put new tablets into the root system monthly!

Dinner Plate Dahlias of course are just super; they will most likely need staking once in the well established in the garden.